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dc.contributor.authorAwad, Amal Abdellah AbdEl-Rahaman-
dc.description.abstractAbstract Background: Cancer is the abnormal cells divide in uncontrolled way which may eventually spread into other tissues in the body It can begins when genetic changes interfere this orderly process ,that treated by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and immune therapy. The aim of the study is to assessment of complete blood count among patients treated by chemotherapy by comparing the CBC parameters pre and post chemotherapy dose in haematological and non haematological type of cancer. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at tumor treatment and researches center in Shendi town in the period between (March to August 2018). The study included (50) patients who were diagnosed as cancer patients and blood is collected from them to estimated the complete blood count by using Mindray Haematology Analyzer (Mindray -3000 plus) pre and post chemotherapy dose. Data was collected using questionnaire and the (SPSS) (version 20) programm was used for data analysis. Results: The study showed that the cancer patients were (80%) of non haematological cancer and (20%) of haematological cancer, frequency of six (50%) male and (50%) female, frequency of their age group (20-50) years old was (30%), their age group (51-80) years old was (56%), and their age group of more than 80 years old was (14%). The (40) blood sample collected from non haematological cancer patients include frequency of sex was (45%) male and (55%) female, frequency of age group (20- 50) years old was (27.5%), age group (51-80) years old was (60%) and age groups more than 80 was (12.5%).V -The CBC of non haematological cancer showed reducing in the mean values of Hb, RBCs, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC in post chemotherapy were (10.0 g/dl), (3.5x1012/l), (31.9%), (84.6 fl), (26.3 pg) and (30.7 g/dl) respectively from their mean values pre chemothearapy were (11.8 g/dl) (4.1x1012/l), (35.7%), (84.7fl), (27.7pg) and (31.8 g/dl) respectively. -Also showed reducing in mean values of TWBCs and platelet count in post chemotherapy were (13.900 x 109 /l) and (180.0 x 109 /l) respectively from their mean values of pre chemotherapy were (30.20 x 109 /l) and (323.0 x 109 /l) respectively. -Also (10) blood sample collected from haematological cancer patients were (70%) male and (30%) females, frequency of age group (20-50) years old (40%), age group ( 51-80 ) years old (40%) and age group more than 80 years old(20%). -The CBC showed reducing in the mean values of Hb, RBCs, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC in post chemotherapy were (8.1g/dl), (3.2x1012/l), (27.3%), (72.3 fl), (25.9 pg) and (30.0 g/dl) respectively From their mean values pre chemotherapy were (9.9 g/dl), (3.6x1012/l), (31.2%), (86.9 fl), (26.6 pg) and (30.8g/dl) respectively . Also showed reducing in the mean values of Twbcs and platelet count in post chemotherapy were (8.0 x 109 /l) and (108.0 x 109 /l) respectively from their mean values pre chemotherapy were (159.0 x 109 /l) and (205.7 x 109 /l) respectivelyVI א مدخل: السرطان هو عبارة عن انقسام غير منظم للخلايا ويمكن ان ينتشر الي بقية أنسجة جسم الإنسان وهو يحدث نتيجـة لـبعض التغيـرات الجينيـة التـي تـؤثر علـي تنظـيم العمليـات الحيويـة، ويـتم علاجـه عـن طريـق العـلاج الكيميائي والإشعاعي والمناعي. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى لتقيم فحـص الـدم الكامـل CBCللمرضـي الـذين يتعـالجون بـالعلاج الكيميـائي وذلـك بمقارنه نتيجه ال CBCقبل وبعد جرعه العلاج الكيمائي بالنسبة لمرضي سرطان الدم والانواع الأخرى من السرطانات. منهجية الدراسة: أجريـت هـذه الدراسـة المقطعيـة فـي مركـز عـلاج وابحـاث السـرطان بمدينـة شـندي فـي الفتـرة مـن مـارس الـي اغسطس . 2018م وقــد تضــمنت هــذه الدراســة 50مريضــاً بالســرطان بأخــذ عينــات دم لفحــص الــدم الكامــل بواســطة جهــاز قبل وبعد جرعه العلاج الكيميائي تمMindray Haematology Analyzer (Mindray -3000 plus) جمـع المعلومـات بواسـطه الاسـتبيان ومـن ثـم اسـتخ امد برنـامج الحزمـة الإحصـائية للعلـوم الاجتماعيـة الـذي يعرف ) (SPSSببرنامج لا تحليل الإحصائي النتائج: أظهرت الدراسة أن مرضي السرطان وهم ) (%20سرطان الدم و ) (%80من الأنواع الأخرى من السرطان ) (٪50ذكـــور )و (٪50انـــاث وكـــان متوســـط أعمـــارهم ) ٪( 30للأعمـــار مـــن ) ( 20-50ســـنة )و (%56 للأعمار من ) (80-51سنه , )و ( %14للأعمار الأكثر من . 80ةسن ك - ما أظهرت الدراسة أن مرضي السرطان ماعدا سرطان الدم ) (٪45ذكور )و ٪55إ( ناث وكان متوسـط أعمـارهم ) ٪( 27.5للأعمـار مـن ) ( 20-50سـنة و)% (60للأعمـار مـن ) (80-51سـنة، )و ( %12.5 للأعمار الأكثر من . 80ةسن أظهر تحليل الدم الكامل ان متوسط الهيموغلوبين، وتعداد كريات الدم الحمراء ،الحجم الحشوي للـدم ،متوسـط حجم الخلية الحمراء، متوسط الهيموغلوبين في الخلية الحمراء ،متوسط تركيز الهيموغلوبين في الخلية الحمراء قـد نقصـت بعـد جرعـة العـلاج الكيميـائي )(26.3 pg) (84.6 fl) (31.9%) (3.5x1012/l) (10.0 g/dl ) (30.7 g/dlعلـي التـوالي عـن متوسـطها قبـل جرعـة العـلاج الكيميـائي ) )(31.8g/dl g/dl) (27.7 pg .( على التوالي84.7 fl) (35.7%) (4.1x1012/l) (11.8 g/dlen_US
dc.publisherHamza Ahmed Hassan Mohammed Eltoumen_US
dc.subjectTumor Therapyen_US
dc.subjectPatients Chemotherapyen_US
dc.subjectComplete Blood Counten_US
dc.titleAssessment of Complete Blood Count Among Patients Receiving Chemotherapy at Tumor Therapy and Cancer Research Center in Shendi Townen_US
Appears in Collections:Complementary researches البحوث التكميلية

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