Introduction: Marfan syndrome is rare autosomal disorder of the connective tissue affect both male and female
equally, manifested with skeletal, ligamentous, orooculofacial, ophthalmic, pulmonary, neurological and most
fatal cardiovascular manifestations. It share atypical features of others connective tissue diseases. Pulmonary
involvement occurs less frequently. Case Report: we report a case of a 20 years old female with progressive
shortness of breath over two weeks. on examination there was features suggestive of left side pleural effusion
along with marfanoid habitus, chest x ray showed massive left side pleural effusion that drain by thoracocentesis.
Discussion: Marfan syndrome is associated with a mutation in FBN1, the gene that encode for fibrillin-1, Fibrillin
is an important component of microfibrillar system that act as a scaffold for elastogensis. Conclusion: This case
illustrate that pulmonary symptoms like spontaneous pleural effusion, can manifest as initial symptom of
undiagnosed Marfan syndrome.
Introduction: Marfan syndrome is rare autosomal disorder of the connective tissue affect both male and female
equally, manifested with skeletal, ligamentous, orooculofacial, ophthalmic, pulmonary, neurological and most
fatal cardiovascular manifestations. It share atypical features of others connective tissue diseases. Pulmonary
involvement occurs less frequently. Case Report: we report a case of a 20 years old female with progressive
shortness of breath over two weeks. on examination there was features suggestive of left side pleural effusion
along with marfanoid habitus, chest x ray showed massive left side pleural effusion that drain by thoracocentesis.
Discussion: Marfan syndrome is associated with a mutation in FBN1, the gene that encode for fibrillin-1, Fibrillin
is an important component of microfibrillar system that act as a scaffold for elastogensis. Conclusion: This case
illustrate that pulmonary symptoms like spontaneous pleural effusion, can manifest as initial symptom of
undiagnosed Marfan syndrome.