The NoSQL Data Storage is a storage infrastructure designed
specifically to store, manage and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data.
The Column-Based is the one type of Nosql database that store the data in a
column structured. The column-based database stores these data in one file
which it produced a delay in handling the user’s queries, because the
database handling the file sequential. Additionally the Nosql DBMS’s don’t
support primary key concepts. This research developed hash-base indexing
algorithm that enhance search process and speed up user’s query response
time. Furthermore, provide researchers and framework that they can use to
test their indexing algorithm. The hash algorithm developed by using Java
language and connect with Apache HBase DBMS, which installed in
Hadoop server and using Zookeeper tool. The experiments conduct to
measure the response time of the proposed (Hash) algorithm and Indexed
algorithm .the result show that the Hash algorithm enhanced the response
time when it compared with Indexed algorithm. The Hash algorithm can be
able to reduce the response time if it implements another algorithm to reduce
collision of keys in the index table